Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Attack on priest and his family - the Bishop writes

Dear Friends,
It is with sadness but in the firmest faith in our Lord Jesus Christ that I write to you about the venemous and diabolical series of articles that was published on the internet yesterday against the Rev Juan Carlos Revilla, his wife Deacon Maria, and their family in Arequipa. It is an unprovoked and evil attack, written in cowardly anonimity, that sets out to wound them as a family, to stain their good name and to damage their ministry.
The Rev Juan Carlos is an excellent priest who has a flourishing ministry, in which he is fully supported by his wife, the newly ordained deacon Maria, and as their bishop and pastor I hold them in the highest regard and give them my complete backing. What has been said about them in these articles is simply not true.
I am writing so that you may know that as a diocesan family - bishop, clergy and people - we hold Juan Carlos and Maria, their sons Jasmany, Cristian and Jean Carlo, and their wider family in our fondest love and prayers; that we stand in total solidarity with them; and that we reject absolutely these things that have been said about them and the Anglican Church. We denounce the person or persons that have come against them in this unchristian way and pray for the Lord’s guidance, mercy and protection. We ask for your prayers too, that the Revillas and the Diocese may grow through this experience and give even greater glory to God in the days to come.
With my prayers and blessing,
+William Godfrey
Bishop of Peru

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fr Jesus Manuel welcomed into the Diocese

Fr Jesus Manuel Mejía was received into the Anglican Communion during a special Eucharist in the Bishop's Chapel on June 21st.
A head teacher and former Roman Catholic priest, Fr Jesus had been considering the possibility of becoming an Anglican for some time.
He was accompanied in the Eucharist by his parents and his brother and sister.
Originally from Huaraz, he was greatly influenced by the Benedictine community there in his early years, and from this contact he heard God's call to the priesthood.
To begin with in the Diocese he will work closely with the Bishop, who made clear in his sermon that anyone who comes to the Diocese of Peru must be willing to be involved in mission. We are a missionary diocese and all we do is centred around the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ to his Church to proclaim the Gospel and share his love with others.
[In the photo Fr Jesus (on the right) is accompanied by the Rev Misael Varillas, the Regional Vicar of Southern Lima.]

St Patrick's "Thank You" for food

Women of St Patrick's Mission in northern Lima prepare food provided by St Margaret's Church in Charlotte, North Carolina.
They are happy that now they have a regular gift for food, thanks to the generosity of their brothers and sisters in the north.
The poster behind them says it all: "St Patrick's Mission thanks the Parish of St Margaret for helping the children" and the smile on their faces.
This is one of our poorest missions where the people live in the cold, damp sand, just a few hundred yards away from the Pacific Ocean.
It's no tropical paradise and every week bronchitis claims the lives of under-nourished children who sleep on the sand with no matress.
The Anglican Diocese is committed to working here to bring the love of God and practical assistance... food, medicine, care, and God's word and sacraments.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

San Pedro building work continues

Building work continues on the hillside above San Pedro Mission Church. Classrooms are being constructed for the next phase of the mission work which will include a programme for fifty mothers and babies in this area of extreme poverty.
The programme is being directed by the Rev Misael Varillas in conjunction with Compassion International.
In the photo you can see the roof of the mission church on the right, the new kitchen which is painted a creamy yellow at the back, and the new class and meeting rooms that are being built.
Our aim is for the new programme to be working by September.
The San Pedro Mission (St Peter's Mission) began several years ago in a temporary church made of wicker panels. It is now a thriving community which reaches out to the families round about and their children. (See earlier article published below.)
Our sincere thanks to our supporters and donors for their prayers and practical support.

News from other Diocesan Sites

You may be interested to know that the number of News Sites in the Diocese - like this one - is growing. You can see a list of them in the top right hand corner of this blog. Click on the name and you will be able to enter the site.

They are published by some of our parishes, missions or ministries.... some are in English, others in Spanish, but they all aim to bring you up to date news about what is happening in our Diocese and its mission work.

At present the list of links includes:
Christ the Redeemer Church (Cristo Redentor)
St Matthew's School (Colegio San Mateo)
St Francis Mission (Mision San Francisco)
The Ascension Mission (Mision La Ascension)
St Mary the Virgin Mission (Santa Maria Virgen)

Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor)
St Luke's School (Colegio San Lucas)
St Joseph and Holy Family Children's Homes (San Jose, Sagrada Familia)
Rev Ron and Vicki Robertson News

The Diocesan Administration

We hope you like them and God bless you.

Monday, June 04, 2007

James' 5th Birthday

James, the Bishop's oldest grandchild celebrated his fifth birthday on Saturday (2nd June). Among his presents was one wrapped especially in the form of a mitre...... not an unfamiliar headress in the family!
Happy birthday James.
With love from,

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