Sunday, July 12, 2009


Six visiting clergy were present for the institution of the Rev Ruben Mancilla as parish priest of Juliaca, and of his assistant, Lay Minister Luis Vizcarra.

From left to right in the photo they are: Rev Juan Carlos Revilla (Arequipa, who planted the church), Rev Ruben Mancilla (Juliaca, newly instituted), Rev Deacon María Andía (Arequipa), the Bishop, Rev Deacon Pastor Zevallos (Lima - Director of NGO), Rev Anderson Sanchez (Lima - at back in photo), Rev Alejandro Mesco (Cabanaconde), Lay Minister Luis Vizcarra (Juliaca, who has faithfully cared for the church), Rev Ronald Robertson (Rector of Seminary in Arequipa).

The Institution Eucharist was attended by sixty people and during the service there were eight confirmations, a sign of things to come. The confirmations made a great impact on many people, some never having seen one before, and before people went home there was already a list of people to be prepared in time for the Bishop's next visit in October.

In his sermon the Bishop spoke of the ministries of evangelists, teachers and pastors, three of the ministries spoken of by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians (4.11): evangelists - proclaiming the Gospel and helping people to come to faith in Christ and give their lives to him; teachers - setting out the faith and its meaning; pastors - guiding and strengthening people in their walk with Christ. All three, he said, are needed in parish ministry.

Pray for Ruben and Luis.

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