Friday, June 19, 2009


When I arrived in Peru in April 1998, there were 4 Peruvian priests and 1 deacon, looking after 9 congregations . They were helped by two ordained missionaries from overseas, a Canadian and a Cuban-American.
Now there is Anglican worship in 41 congregations, led by 24 priests, 8 deacons and 23 lay ministers; and in our two seminaries there are around 60 seminarians, preparing for the work to which God is calling them.

This amazing growth has come about by an outpouring of God’s grace, for which we praise and thank Him.

Numerical growth must, of course, be matched by growth in faithfulness to Jesus, obedience to the Father's will, and the fruit of the Holy Spirit. As we prepare to push out in new mission, in Ica and Trujillo, it is so very encouraging for us to see that God is preparing His mission team ready for His new work.

If you think God may be calling you to join us and work in Peru, please write or call us, so that we may initiate a discernment process.

If you would like to give financially to support our mission work, please contact Patrick Mackie (UK) or Susan Kerr (USA). Their details are on our NEW web site,, on the SUPPORT page.

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