Friday, June 26, 2009

This has been a very happy week for you with the inauguration of the new Province and we are delighted that you were able to celebrate the central Eucharist in Christ Church Plano as the guests of Fr David Roseberry and his people, with whom we have a long and close relationship in Christ.
As a Diocese, we are committed, like you, to the Gospel principles on which the one Church of Christ, which includes our beloved Anglican Communion, has stood from the beginning.
At this important time for Anglicans in North America, we are conscious also of faithful dioceses, bishops, clergy and people, among them many of our close friends, who remain part of the Provinces of the Episcopal Church of the United States of America and the Anglican Church of Canada. With them too we rejoice to share communion, and as a Diocese we are committed, as our Constitution states, to do everything possible in brotherly love and repentance to heal our divisions.