Friday, April 10, 2009

Priests received into Anglican Communion

Three priests were received into the Diocese in Holy Week. All have been part of the Anglican Church for some time, but on this special occasions they were formally licensed as clergy of the Diocese.
Fr Daniel Rodriguez, originally from Argentina, is to be married to Vicki on April 19th and will be based at the Cathedral. Fr Jorge Zamudio is married to Claudia and they have two sons. He is a Biblical scholar and has already taught in the Diocesan Seminary. Fr Esteban Zapata is married to Jessica. They have a fifteen year old son and are expecting their second child in July. He is a missionary priest working in the Holy Spirit mission in Lima north.
It was a very special and happy occasion at which the clergy of Lima renewed their ordination vows, and the holy oils were blessed by the Bishop.
There are now 18 priests in the Diocese, 9 deacons and 22 lay ministers, and we praise God for them all.
[The photo shows the clergy standing outside the Cathedral following the Eucharist. To the the bishop's right are Jorge and Daniel, and to his left Esteban.]

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