Monday, May 28, 2007
St Philip's Cabanaconde - Colca Canyon
Work continues on the mission post in the Colca Canyon, and the workmen, photographed with Padre Alejandro (on the right) and the building in the background, are now completing the plastering and the exterior stone work. There is still much to be done, but we hope to have the building in use within the next three months.
Besides the building work, Padre Alejandro has become a familiar face around town. In the photo (on the left) he is talking to a local farmer on his horse. As a quechua speaker, he has been welcomed by the people and it is now common knowledge that there will soon be an Anglican Church in the town. Recently a crowd of over fifty people gathered in the Town Hall to watch a video of the life of Jesus.
Ruben Mancilla, a seminarian and Lay Minister from Villa El Salvador, Lima, has been posted to Cabanaconde, to help Padre Alejandro, and from August he will move to take his place alongside him as a missionary in the Canyon.
The Colca Canyon is one of the deepest in the world, three quarters of a mile deep at one point. In the photo (on the right), the canyon can be seen beyond our new building, and the snow capped mountains are on the opposite side of it.