Thursday, December 21, 2006

Preaching the Word of God

Sunday by Sunday, day by day, God's Word is proclaimed in the churches of our Diocese. It is one of the Bishop's primary tasks and he, together with his priests, deacons and lay ministers, sets out to open the Scriptures to his people. God's Word is part of our daily bread.

Our Diocese reads the Scriptures from cover to cover, following the lectionary - the plan which sets out our daily readings - which is found in the Prayer Book. Not only do we read the Bible in services, but also in prayer groups and Bible studies, and in our private devotions, and always with the aim of letting God speak to us, his people.

In studying Scripture one encounters Jesus! To read the Scriptures we need a quiet place and a quiet mind, so that we can direct our attention to this meeting with him. He speaks to us in Scriptures. St Ambrose said, To be ignorant of Scripture is to be ignorant of Jesus.

Almighty God, we thank you for the gift of your holy Word. May it be a lantern to our feet, a light to our paths, and a strength to our lives. Take us and use us to love and serve in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

[Photos of churches. Top: Church of St John the Evangelist, Pamplona Baja, Lima; Middle: Church of Christ the Redeemer, Arequipa; Bottom: Church of Jesus the Saviour, Villa El Salvador, Lima.]

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