Thursday, December 21, 2006

Canon David Roseberry in Peru

Canon David Roseberry, from Christ Church, Plano, was in Peru last week. As a licensed priest of the Diocese, he was welcomed to the Cathedral by the Dean. After two days of retreat in Chaclacayo, he travelled to Arequipa for the graduation ceremony of three seminarians before returning to Texas.
He is seen in the photo playing the guitar with the music group at the Eucharist in Christ the Redeemer, Arequipa. Vicki Robertson, a missionary from Fr David's parish, is also seen in the picture. Vicki's husband, Fr Ron, is the Rector of the Seminary in Arequipa and Regional Dean of Southern Peru.
Christ Church, Plano, is one of the Diocese's closest friends and many members of the congregation have come to Peru in mission teams. The links of friendship go back to 1998.

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