Saturday, September 09, 2006

Deacon David Gonzales Posted to Arequipa

Deacon David Gonzales (on the left in the photo) has been posted to Arequipa to assist the growing Southern Region in its mission and ministry. David worked for eight years in the Mission Church of Jesus the Nazarene, Lima, before going to the Ecumenical Seminary in Cuba. He returned in July to take up his responsibilities again in the Diocese.
He was formally presented to the congregation of Christ the Redeemer Parish on Sunday 3rd September, where he will assist the Rev. Juan Carlos Revilla (on the right in the photo), who is the parish priest.
The Arequipa Region is one of the fastest growing areas in the Diocese and besides the two parishes (Cristo Redentor and San Lucas) has three missions, two diocesan missions (Juliaca and Cabanaconde), a seminary (Santos Agustin), two schools (San Lucas primary and high school), a pre-university academy (San Andres) and two children's homes (San Jose and Sagrada Familia).

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