Monday, November 09, 2009
Special Sunday at San Mateo Mission
The San Mateo (St Matthew) Mission and School don't have a church, but they do have a piece of land, and there the people meet to worship our Lord and God. Padre Jorge Aguilar is the parish priest, assisted by Padre Jesus Manuel Mejia, and Brother Jerry Acosta, a lay minister.
Sundays begin with catechism class at 9am, preparing candidates for Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. Then they get ready for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 10.30am.
Last Sunday, 8th November 2009, was a special day, because parents and children of the School were presenting an icon of the evangelist and apostle, St Matthew, for the chapel. There's a great affection for the chapel, even though it's no more than an empty building lot. But it's been made beautiful and the area with the altar-table and lectern have been finished with cement, so with the flowers and banners, its a worthy place for God's people.
Brother Jerry was an evangelical pastor who, with his family, have become Anglicans. We are blessed to have his experience as a church planter and preacher, and he is delighted to have the liturgy and commitment to social outreach.
Padre Jesus was a Roman Catholic priest who, with his family, have become Anglicans. We are blessed to have his experience as a parish priest and educator, and he is delighted to have the Scriptures opened in a new way.
And all of the team work together in wonderful harmony, pooling their gifts and experience. Anglicanism is truly blessed to have a breadth and openness which allows God's children to use their gifts together in this way.
Sundays begin with catechism class at 9am, preparing candidates for Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. Then they get ready for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 10.30am.
Last Sunday, 8th November 2009, was a special day, because parents and children of the School were presenting an icon of the evangelist and apostle, St Matthew, for the chapel. There's a great affection for the chapel, even though it's no more than an empty building lot. But it's been made beautiful and the area with the altar-table and lectern have been finished with cement, so with the flowers and banners, its a worthy place for God's people.
Brother Jerry was an evangelical pastor who, with his family, have become Anglicans. We are blessed to have his experience as a church planter and preacher, and he is delighted to have the liturgy and commitment to social outreach.
Padre Jesus was a Roman Catholic priest who, with his family, have become Anglicans. We are blessed to have his experience as a parish priest and educator, and he is delighted to have the Scriptures opened in a new way.
And all of the team work together in wonderful harmony, pooling their gifts and experience. Anglicanism is truly blessed to have a breadth and openness which allows God's children to use their gifts together in this way.